adam norfolk

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Seeing Double Development

Here's part of a page I'm working on. On the theme of identical twins, the idea behind this one is twins having to share their possessions, and these two identical boys are fighting over a Teddy.
I'm thinking I may try out digital colouring and adding textures.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Tommy Lee Edwards

I like his colours and tone use. These are from Turf, a book he illustrated for Jonathan Ross.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Lucinda Rogers use of ink

Well, I'm back at University now and back into a heavy back breaking workload. But to get to the point of this post; I've been looking at Lucinda Rogers after Monday's lecture.
I'm liking her use of varying line thickness, it's quite expressive. Also on Monday I was made aware that she's been influenced by Paul Hogarth.